"How to use snoezelen/mse for people with dementia"
"Katijana Harasic"
"• Instructor for „Integrative Validation“"
"• Trainer ""Basale Stimulation"""
"• Lecturer for Snoezelen ISNA Switzerland"
"• Co-Founder and Representant of ISNA Switzerland"
"People with dementia often seem to be stressed and lost in their environments. They have difficulties to understand what happens inside them and around them. They often feel the need to go home, take care of their children or do their work. Snoezelen tries to give them a place of well-being and happiness, a place to feel a high quality of life. Snoezelen gives the possibility to escape their everyday challenge. Snoezelen offers relaxation and stimulation in a special atmosphere of communication. This needs a companion who listens to the people’s needs, even though the “language of words” might already be lost due to the dementia."
"This workshop gives you an insight how to adopt the Snoezelen sessions for people with dementia, using their resources, their experiences and their personal biography. The workshop discusses how to deal with anxiety and emotional releases during Snoezelen sessions."
"Katijana Harasic is trainer for basal stimulation and integrative validation, she professionally accompanies elderly people and people with dementia during Snoezelen Sessions."
"Katijana Harasic"