Plum blossoms are in full bloom in Japan. Every day I feel the warmth of spring during the day and the freezing cold at night.
Thank you Ad Verheul for participating in our web meeting.
There were about 80 people visiting the kick-off of our temperary snoezelen room.
The public servants of the Ward Office were also there to see you and the Director.
I am sorry about the bad connection and all the inconvenience. Mr. Gijs van Schayk from the Consulate General, Ms.Hamaguchi the interpreter and Mr. Kosuga showed their competence in making the kick-off success..
Since the kick-off, at the the Ward Office Snoezelen space, I have been talking with the visitors.
I always tell them about the world of the persons with severe disabilities. I tell them how you took initiative in making and spreading Snoezelen.
Ms. Yamanaka, who was one of the first to visit you at De Hartenberg, told me on Facebook that
"This good-for-everyone attempt (at the Ward Office) is full of love and friendship. Many people will be interested in it.
We shall go on.
This attempt must have enlightened many new people.
Snoezelen is a 'gentle revolution.'
Lately, I have been telling myself that I must work on it steadily but softly. "
I noticed:
"We should respect one another's life. The reciprocal warmness towards one another is what links our hearts.
You started this work. The wishes of the clients and the wishes of all people are shared and resounding.
All in all, the world is sharing and feeling 'the tenderness of love' through Snoezelen.
Our Day Center has come to its 20th Anniversary.
I am determined to involve more people and aim for the success in achieving the OPEN GOAL, or the great tenderness of love.
With my thankfulness in many ways