Conference in 2016:


We plan the official conference to be in wonderful Greece this year.

We are still negotiating, but we already know this:

(if we get a good deal with a hotel)


Conference dates:

Starting Tuesday the 25th of October at noon

Closing at Thursday the 27th of October at noon


The conference fee includes:


·         Conference Room for approximately 200 people

·         Conference equipment (microphone, projector etc.)

·         Equipment for simultaneous translation (Greek- English and English- Greek)

·         Coffee station for 3 days

·         Lunch for 2 days (Wednesday and Thursday)

·         Welcome Dinner at Wednesday night (drinks on own expenses)

-         Two trips: Knossos and SpinaLonga, included.



Transportation from and to the airport will be arranged (on the participants expenses)

Rooms’ reservations on the participants  expenses, through  our website.






This two  links will work from approximately 25th of February.

Wait with ordering tickets until we announce the final confirmation!

It will be made possible though this website.



2017 Japan

2018 USA/Canada

Link to the hotel

Call for papers