Board Meeting in Greece 2016
Present : Michel, Maurits, Anthony, Maria, AnaMaria, Hanne, Michel, (Fernand), Ad on GotoMeeting
1.Anthony has done 2 webinars on Snoezelen, more than 100 people participated.
a. Free of charge, 45 min
b. Idea to each board member could do a workshop of
45 min, so we can have more people to know us.
d. Some participants have engaged for the webinar as an institution, so they use it as intern training
e. Webinars can be a mean to connect with other people and have more collaboration. It is not meant to do training on Snoezelen/ MSE.
f. webinars should be scheduled on the same day, one in the morning and the other one in the afternoon.
g. Anthony proposes to do it every 3rd Thursday of a month and the board members can sign up to give the lecture.
h. People can sign in and pay maybe 5 Dollars, members of ISNA for free.
i. Idea: Propose the webinar in Spanish also. For the spanish speaking countries and with the Spanish speaking lecturers.
2. Hanne started her own business on Snoezelen – Congratulations !
3. Ad (on skype) presents the research that Groningen university wants to do (see attachment). We are happy with the
proposal and will help to collect the data. A big YES WE CAN from the board.
a. Will be set up for 2 years.
b. Answers tot he survey should be in English
c. The members of Board who are absent, can you say if you are willing to participate tot he survey?
4. Presentation of new regulations on education. See a t t ac h m e n t
5. Next conferences:
a. 15 and 16 June 2017 in Canada, mostly French speaking, but with workshops in English
b. 2018 in Argentina
c. 2019 Japan or Scandinavia
6. In Portugal there are many courses on Snoezelen, Maria José can create ISNA Iberia or give certificates to partners that are qualified !