Day 1 - April 13th, 09:30 - 17:30


Portugal, Lisbon, Parque das Nações


Opening: Francisco Alvernaz, Forbrain Snoezelen Room founder


Ad Verheul themes

Introduction: the structure of the care for people with mental disability in the Netherlands

The origin, changes in philosophy, organization, financial structure, integration and information about day activities with severe profoundly mental retarded people.


The origin, philosophy and background from Snoezelen

Snoezelen referred to as MSS ( Multi-Sensory Stimulation) or to MSE ( Multi-Sensory Environment)

A survey of 35 years history of Snoezelen in the Netherlands and all over the world.

Information about the Centre De Hartenberg.

Information about the different possibilities of Snoezelen in the practice.


Video presentations/ information


General information about the practice of Snoezelen

Support by videotapes.

Different possibilities of Snoezelen in connection to different goal groups: people with dementia, mentally handicapped, hyperactive, learning-disabled, hearing impaired, visually impaired, blind children and children with perception disorder and disturbed social behaviour and psychiatric patients.


Days 2 and 3 - April 14th and 15th, 09:30 - 17:30

Two days training course

Portugal, Lisbon, Parque das Nações

Forbrain Snoezelen Room

Opening: Francisco Alvernaz, Forbrain Snoezelen Room founder


Ad Verheul themes

Snoezelen therapy or relaxation?

-              Snoezelen as a free offer

-              Snoezelen as an educational support measure

-              Snoezelen as a therapeutic oriented measure

-              Snoezelen as a therapy


Snoezelen with elderly people and people with dementia

General information about the care for demented elderly in the Netherlands and theoretical background of Snoezelen in the care for demented elderly people.

Information about Snoezelen as an integrated activity in de daily program of nursery homes.

Benefits of added activities




basic elements of perception (perception and processing)

effects of materials

methods of presentation and realization

accompaniment and guidance

observation of behaviour


Information about:

Self experience

Illness patterns of clients

Pedagogical ways of functioning and relations

Diagnostic assessment

Creating units for support and therapy

Practical application of therapeutically units and practice units

Training and supervision

Reflection of the units


Video presentations/ information


Home made Snoezelen materials

Explanation about how to build home made Snoezelen materials and the different possibilities and equipment used in the Snoezelen rooms.

Information about fire resisting impregnating agent for tactile materials and tactile objects.


Sensory garden

Explanation about how to build and design a sensory / sense garden and how to make special experience stations / objects in a Sensory / sense garden.

Information about the field of experiences to develop the senses in using the natural environment concerning a Sensory / sense garden and the different possibilities and equipment that is used in the Sensory garden.


How to introduce Snoezelen and Snoezelen equipment to member of staff

Presentation, visual impression and presentation, reflection, training and supervision


Research in the field of Snoezelen

Research projects

Observation- and measurement procedures

Methodical procedure

Biosignal acquisition and analysis



Day 1 - 80€

Day 2 and 3 - 195€

Day 1, 2 and 3 - 265€