Links til organizations and Companies

1. Interview with Jan Hulsegge and Ad Verheul on ABc Television 2011
2. Lecture Snoezelen by Ad Verheul on Alzheimer congress, Paris 2011
3. Ad verheul and Maurits in Saudi Arabia
4 Movie about the Christopher Douglas Hidden Angel Foundation:
Sandra Fornes en Bud Kirchner
5. Movie about snoezelen
6. Worldwidesnoezelen, based in Holland
7. Hidden Angel Foundation, Alabama, USA
8. North American group
We would love to make a link to your organization, your rooms, or anything, related to snoezelen, that could interest our members and visitors.
companies can advertise of course, for a small amount, contact me on
Read more about Barry Emons and its owner
Barry Emons exists for almost 40 years and is the oldest sensory company in the world:
we recommend sensory/snoezelen rooms
we support sensory/snoezelen rooms with courses and workshops
we develop special beds and (water)lying elements