Agnieszka Smrokowska-Reichmann, Ph.D., is Associated Professor at the University of Physical Education in Krakow, Department of Occupational Therapy. She is the member of the Polish Occupational Therapy Association. In 1993 she translated into Polish “Snoezelen another world” by Jan Hulsegge and Ad Verheul. She suggested Polish name of the method: World Experience Room (Sala Doświadczania Świata), which is now being used in Poland parallel to the “Snoezelen” term. She lectures Snoezelen method for bachelor and master degree students of occupational therapy, as well as Erasmus students. She lectures also ethics and occupational therapy methods for seniors with dementia. She is the chairman of the Scientific Council of Polish Snoezelen Association. She conducts research projects concerning Snoezelen method (particularly its influence on seniors with dementia and persons with mental illness). She is the author of first Polish manual (344 pages with CD) concerning Snoezelen method (Agnieszka Smrokowska-Reichmann, “Snoezelen – Sala Doświadczania Świata. Kompendium opiekuna i terapeuty”, Fundacja Rosa, Wrocław 2013). Research areas: Snoezelen method, occupational therapy with the aged and with patients with dementia, ethics, philosophical anthropology. Languages: Polish, English, German.
Dr Agnieszka Smrokowska-Reichmann – persönliches, praktisches und wissenschaftliches Engagement im Snoezelen-Bereich innerhalb von 25 Jahren (1992 – 2017).

Special needs educator and psychologist. In Sensoria Foundation she leads individual and group therapy, especially in Snoezelen Room. She is an International Snoezelen Specialist and a member of the Scientific Council of Polish Snoezelen Association. Her efforts to spread the idea of Snoezelen in Poland revolve around the use of therapeutic power of multisensory effects in combination with other methods, mainly with bibliotherapy. She continuously expands her knowledge and skills by participating in numerous training courses and scientific conferences. In the circle of her professional interests are neuropsychology and psych oncology issues. In the future she would like to be a certified cognitive-behavioural therapist. She speaks sign language. In her free time she writes therapeutic fairy tales and stories. Her passion is dance and therefore she is interested in dance psychotherapy.
Initiator and member of the Scientific Council of Polish Snoezelen Association. Director of the Sensoria Therapy Center in Wrocław. Special needs educator and teacher of pre-primary and early learning. She works as a therapist in the Snoezelen Room. Snoezelen is her passion so she decided to dedicate her doctoral dissertation to the method. She has got an International Specialist Snoezelen ISNA-MSE qualifications. In Sensoria Foundation she is a professional arranger of Snoezelen space. Also she selects equipment of Snoezelen Room, taking into account the main needs of participants of Snoezelen event. She leads individual multisensory classes in Snoezelen Room with children, teenagers and adults with different disabilities and themed activities for organized groups. She shares her knowledge and experience with therapeutic and academic environments during the scientific conferences. She leads certificated schooling of Snoezelen method. She has years of experience directing the Scout Team „Nieprzetarty Szlak”, which consists of both children and adults with various disabilities. She is a sign language translator. She graduated many specialist courses, e.g.: sensory integration (SI), Sensory Stimulation by Carl Delacato, Alternative Communication, Sherborne, Makaton, International Inclusion and sign language.

Member of the Scientific Council of Polish Snoezelen Association and an International Snoezelen Specialist. Doctor of social sciences, Assistant Professor at the University of Wrocław in the Pre-school and Children Education Unit. The area of her research interests is the diagnosis and therapy of children with developmental problems. In Snoezelen Room she works with children with different disabilities both individually and in groups. As a practitioner she concentrates on supporting development of children, mainly in the area of individual and general contact. She is especially focused on children with Down syndrome. In her therapeutic activities she practises the concept of therapy based on the relationship with the child (Spiritual pedagogy of Love by Arthur Brühlemeira and Nondirective Play Therapy by Hanna Olechnowicz). During a therapeutic session she uses the multisensory activities as a channel for communication with others. She took part in implementation of an Innovative Programme of Inclusive Education for Children with Down syndrome in groups of pre-school children, and then the school children. In meeting with another human being, she considers building hope as the guiding principle.
Sensoria Foundation was established to support the development of a well-educated, wise and healthy society. Sensoria Foundation carries out projects in the fields of historical education and health education with particular emphasis on prevention, according to the slogan that “The best time to act is NOW”.
Our projects are focused on two areas – health and education:
• development of Snoezelen method in Poland – the Foundation is engaged in the education and supporting the professionalism of the therapeutic circles that are gathered around Snoezelen method and work in Snoezelen Rooms (Polish name: Sala Do?wiadczania ?wiata, which means: World Experience Room);
• therapeutic activity – we are trying to equalize the chance of access to specialistic therapies , tailored individually to the needs of the recipient;
• historical education;
• oncological prophylaxis;
• health prophylaxis for the youngest;
• support for children as in-patients.
Polish Snoezelen Association – World Experience Room (Polskie Towarzystwo Snoezelen – Sali Do?wiadczania ?wiata, PTS-SD?) is an advisory and consultancy unit for Snoezelen method in Poland within Sensoria Foundation’s organizational structure. The goals of the Association are integrating professionals interested in Snoezelen method as well as supporting the development and popularity of Snoezelen in Poland.
The Society is headed by the Scientific Council together with its Chairman. The members of the Association are private persons (therapists, instructors) as well as educational institutions interested in Snoezelen.
The main tasks of PTS are to create a platform for exchanging the experience among persons who work in Snoezelen Rooms, also to advise and assist them as regards the method itself. In addition, the organization aims to promote Snoezelen in Poland and abroad, to establish cooperation with therapeutic centres throughout the country and to supervise scientific research on the World Experience Rooms.
The members of the Association are engaged in objective and reliable evaluation and specification of the commercially available equipment used in Snoezelen Rooms. In addition, they are verifying the already existing World Experience Rooms in terms of their correctness and adequacy to the needs of the users. The Society also conducts training for therapists, thus conveying Snoezelen philosophy and the principles of proper therapeutic sessions in World Experience Rooms.
The Polish Snoezelen association is now the official partner for as ISNA-mse Poland