
Welcome to the 19th International Snoezelen Conference in Gothenburg, Sweden, 25th 26th of October 2024.
We would like to invite you to two days filled with knowledge, inspiration and interesting meetings with old and
new friends. 

Where: Dalheimers hus, Gothenburg, Sweden 

How to get there:
 Landvetter Airport, Gothenburg. 45 min to Dalheimers hus by bus or car
 Kastrup Airport, Copenhagen, 3h15min by bus or car, train is also possible.
 Oslo Lufthavn, Gardermoen. 4h by bus or car.

There will be pre booked rooms at hotels at walking distance from Dalheimers hus. We will also provide you with information on other recommended hotels in the center of Gothenburg.

All speakers are yet in place.

See the program here

Hope to see you in Gothenburg, Sweden, in October 2024

Skærmbillede 2023-12-05 kl. 13.40.47

You tube video, in German. (auf Deutsch) with automatic texting.

Ad Verheul is interviewed about Snoezelen/mse

Click the picture to the left to see this video, produced by Sandra Bohm

Also to bee seen on YouTube
“kostenlose lizenzfreie Musik von https://audiofire.de

In February I had the pleasure to spend half a day with around 150 people from all over Sweden, very interested in Snoezelen.

See you again in October!

Maurits Eijgendaal



Intervención multisensorial Snoezelen a una persona con esquizofrenia
paranoide: reporte de caso clínico

Snoezelen multisensory intervention to a person with paranoid schizophrenia:
clinical case report

Revista Terapeutica.

Effects of Snoezelen Therapy in a child with autism, epilepsy and tourette.

Click below

Information about Snoezelen/mse in New Zealand. click here

2024 Snoezelen training in Auckland, New Zealand for
International Additional Qualification Snoezelen ISNA-mse
Basic Module Snoezelen 1: September 6-8, 2024
Basic Module Snoezelen 2: September 13-15, 2024
For more information, please email sarah.snoezelen@outlook.com

Visit De Hartenberg and be shown around by the cofounder of snoezelen, Ad Verheul.

Aroma therapy and music so become Ukrainian soldiers again prepared on the front!

click the picture

Visit De Hartenberg

Airports with Snoezelen rooms! click the name to follow the link

See the video on making and using the Snoezelen room in King Khalid Airport in Saudi Arabia.

Click the picture below

Subsidy for Snoezelen Research University of Groningen in Cooperation with ´s Heeren Loo /De Hartenberg

Date: 01-07-2022

The project proposal ‘Snoezelen: together towards goal-oriented and effective action’ has been honoured by the SIA RAAK Public Programme. The aim of this 2-year project, which is part of the Snoezel research of PhD candidate Gemma Testerink, is to develop an intervention guide that helps healthcare professionals to tailor-made and targeted Snoezelen, and to test the effectiveness of that intervention guideline. This project is part of Gemma Testerink’s PhD research.


Snoezelen is a globally applied intervention, developed for people with a severe intellectual disability. During Snoezelen, senses are stimulated so that the person relaxes (“dozing”) or is activated (“sniffing”). Although several scientific studies have been conducted on yields of Snoezelen, the shape and objectives of Snoezelen appear to differ per study. In practice, too, we see that everyone does things a little differently, with different results. How can we shape Snoezelen so that it has the most positive effects for people with a severe intellectual disability?

The project

The project will last two years and will run from September 2022 to August 2024. Our starting point is the available scientific knowledge about Snoezelen and a broadly expanded questionnaire about the way in which Snoezelen is done in practice. This was achieved in the first part of Gemma Testerink’s research. From this starting point, we develop an intervention guide together with snobby practical professionals. After the intervention guide has been developed, it is tested in practice. Based on this, the effectiveness of Snoezelen is looked at.

For practice

With the intervention guide tested for effectiveness, professionals, such as occupational therapists, supervisors and orthopedagogues, can use Snoezelen more purposefully and effectively within the day program of people with a (very) serious intellectual and multiple disability. 

The research is carried out from the Academic Workplace EMB (severe intellectual disability) in the Netherlands. The partners (University of Groningen, Heeren Loo/De Hartenberg, Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen and Royal Visio) together have both scientific and practical knowledge about Snoezelen.

Gemma Testerink hopes to be promoted in 2025. Her coaching team consists of: Annette van der Putten, Annet Ten Brug and Aly Waninge. 

Ede, the Netherlands,

Ad Verheul

MOHAWK college, Hamilton, Ontario Canada is a huge college for national and international  students, now officialy started a Snoezelen-mse education, approved by ISNA-mse.org and they teach as difined by ISNA-mse, to qualify their students. You can link to the college here: Mohawk collage




A Network of Snoezelen Schools is born in Italy with the aim of spreading the culture of kindness, acceptance, loving-kindness towards oneself and others; to nurture authentic relationships and develop emotional intelligence and relational skills among the new generations. The snoezelen multisensory environments represent spaces that facilitate encounters with oneself and with the ‘other’, through controlled stimulation of the senses.


On 27 May 2021, a national network of snoezelen schools will be officially established in Italy. The headmaster of the IC “Alessio Narbone”, the network’s lead school, Prof. Francesco Pignataro, after having launched an invitation to all Italian schools interested in the thought of otherness through the press and social media, in a public assembly in web conference mode, constitutes this body destined to grow. The Network is an organisational structure that creates connections between schools whose mission is to spread the snoezelen thought and philosophy within the school fabric. It comprises 37 schools of all levels spread throughout the country, from Piedmont to Sicily, from north to south. READ more…..

Skærmbillede 2020-03-18 kl. 15.43.54

Herzlich Willkommen bei der ISNA-MSE

Welcome to Isna-mse Germany ( in German)

Nicole und Svenja

click on the pictures to visit the homepage from Nicole or/and Svenja

Click here to visit isna-mse Germany

This is what the Online Seminars in Germany currently look like: 

All materials are nicely packed in takeaway bags for the participants to take home. 

These are then either brought to the facility with the “delivery service” or sent directly to the participants’ homes. 

Special Time + Special Requirements = Creative Solutions! 😉

Kateřina Janků, M.A.,Ph.D.
Vice – Dean for International Relations,         is the leader of a project supported by the EU. More information here

Link to the an article about the project

Follow the links below to read the following articles, gathered in one pdf

Jarmila Pipeková, Jan Viktorin 11

María José Cid Rodriguez, Ramona Ribes Castells, Kateřina Janků 35

Agnieszka Smrokowska–Reichmann

A pdf about the Erasmus project

you can download more here:

English    Czech

Maria José Cid Dra. Psicologia

published two articles about snoezelen. Find them here:

1. Snoezelen and Dementia, a Case study

2. Sensory profile in the snoezelen intervention

” Prince Sultan bin Salman ” opened the sensory room initiative for children with disabilities at King Khalid International Airport in Riyadh


Prince Sultan bin Salman bin Abdelaziz, Special Adviser to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the King Salman Center for Disability Research, opened the Sensory Room Initiative for Children with Disabilities in Domestic Travel Terminal 5 at King Khalid International Airport in the Saudi capital, Riyadh.


The Project manager Kholod Al-Shaya explained that the “sensory room” is a specially equipped safe environment, in which the tools and devices available are controlled in order to stimulate the different senses of the individual: sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell, and can provide pleasure and relaxation for users.


She added that : the initiative is the first of its kind to the children with disabilities in Middle Eastern airports, and that it was created based on need; As children with disabilities and their families face difficulties and challenges while traveling through airports, it is hoped that through this initiative, it will contribute to improving and facilitating the travel experience for them and their families.


She indicated that the King Salman Center for Disability Research and its partners implemented this initiative in two locations in Riyadh: King Khalid International Airport and King Fahd Medical City, and that the possibility of implementing it in other public facilities is being discussed, as needed.

Play Video

Prince Sultan bin Salman visiting the Snoezelenroom


Click the Facebook symbol in the upper right corner to see the ISNA International  Facebook group.


The scientific research project has extend. See below on this page or click here

Relevant book written by our board member Anthony McCrovitz

When it comes to caregiving, processes of learning and relationship-building are as important for the caregiver as they are for the individual. The work of Dr. Anthony (Tony) M. McCrovitz is grounded in the relationship-building philosophy and practice of Gentle Teaching, his source of inspiration for the writing of this book. In mentoring a spirit of gentleness, we engage in navigating the social vision of Gentle Teaching, based on mutual respect, unconditional acceptance, and principles of interdependence that demonstrate the universal, inherent unity of our humanity. Gentle teaching is the perfect base for Snoezelen, and the foreword is written by Maurits. You can order it on Amazon.com or click the picure of the book below if you want to buy a digital copy for 5$

One can download a black&white PDF copy for $5. (downloadable for personal use only) Just click the picture of the book to see the link.


Or find it here on Amazon

Invitation to you all to participate in a scientific Snoezelen study!

Dear ISNA members and Snoezelen colleagues worldwide,

In cooperation with the University Groningen in the Netherlands and the Academic Collaborative Center PIMD has started an international research project on the effectiveness of snoezelen in persons with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities (PIMD). We aim to use the study results to work towards a snoezelen approach that offers a good fit with people with PIMD, healthcare and education professionals and parents and relatives. We would like to ask you to help us reach participants.


We would like to ask you to distribute the following call to people you know who use snoezelen in persons with PIMD. The call and the questionnaire are available in English, German, Spanish and Dutch. For questions, please contact the contact person below.


Thank you very much in advance,




Gemma Testerink, MSc, scientist practitioner Academic Collaborative Center PIMD (Contact: g.g.m.testerink@rug.nl)

Gerdine Douma, MSc, senior research Academic Collaborative Center PIMD

Professor Annette van der Putten, chair of the management team of the Academic Collaborative Center PIMD

Find more information in the following languages. where you also can find the update:

“We are very pleased that we have already received many completed questionnaires from all over the world. Thank you for this! If you still want to participate and share your experience about snoezelen with people with PIMD, you can complete the questionnaire via the following link until 14 June. Thank you in advance! Link: https://aw-emb.nl/en/research/snoezelen-survey-study” 

“Wir freuen uns sehr, dass wir bereits viele ausgefüllte Fragebögen aus aller Welt erhalten haben. Vielen Dank dafür! Wenn Sie trotzdem teilnehmen und Ihre Erfahrungen mit Snoezelen mit PIMD-Personen teilen möchten, können Sie den Fragebogen über den folgenden Link bis zum 14. Juni ausfüllen. Vielen Dank im Voraus! Link: https://aw-emb.nl/en/research/snoezelen-survey-study”

« Nous sommes très heureux d’avoir déjà reçu de nombreux questionnaires remplis dans le monde entier. Merci pour cela! Si vous souhaitez toujours participer et partager votre expérience sur le snoezelen avec les personnes atteintes du PIMD, vous pouvez remplir le questionnaire via le lien suivant jusqu’au 14 juin. Merci d’avance! Lien: https://aw-emb.nl/en/research/snoezelen-survey-study »

“Siamo molto lieti di aver già ricevuto molti questionari completati da tutto il mondo. Grazie per questo! Se vuoi ancora partecipare e condividere la tua esperienza su snoezelen con persone con PIMD, puoi completare il questionario tramite il seguente link fino al 14 giugno. Grazie in anticipo!

Link: https://aw-emb.nl/en/research/snoezelen-survey-study”

“Estamos muy contentos de haber recibido ya muchos cuestionarios completados de todo el mundo. ¡Gracias por esto! Si todavía desea participar y compartir su experiencia sobre el snoezelen con personas con PIMD, puede completar el cuestionario a través del siguiente enlace hasta el 14 de junio. Gracias de antemano! Enlace: https://aw-emb.nl/en/research/snoezelen-survey-study”

“Estamos muito satisfeitos por já termos recebido muitos questionários preenchidos de todo o mundo. Obrigado por isso! Se você ainda quiser participar e compartilhar sua experiência sobre snoezelen com pessoas com PIMD, você pode preencher o questionário através do seguinte link até 14 de junho. Obrigado antecipadamente! Link: https://aw-emb.nl/en/research/snoezelen-survey-study”



Dear ISNA-mse official teachers

We would like to present the work of the different countries on our ISNA-MSE homepage. 


Therefore we would  like to ask if you could either send us some photos from your Snoezelen rooms or photos of working with your clients

If you like, you are welcome to write us a short text about it by presenting your work. 

Send us also the the email you would like people to use to contact you

Please send the photos via WeTransfer to svenja.fuhrmann@dein-raum.eu


If you have any questions, simply contact Svenja Fuhrmann or Maurits Eijgendaal.


Thanks in advance – we´re looking forward to your contribution

Maurits and Svenja

Mohawk College’s Multi-Sensory Lab

Located in Room A119 at Fennell Campus

What is the Multi-Sensory Lab all about?

  • Incorporates sensory equipment to help clients reach/advance their education and therapy goals.

  • The room fosters an environment that blends sights, sounds, textures, aromas and motion to provide stimulation of ones’ primary senses.

  • This client-centered room can be modified to meet specific sensory needs.

  • The most important benefit of all is that the client will have the opportunity for a meaningful leisure experience!

  • Read more and take a tour in the room here


Offical cooporation between the university of Santa Paulæa, costa rica and ISNA-mse.org.

ISNA-mse has a group of educated teachers, following a special program, approved by ISNA-mse worldwide.

There are many local ISNA-Mse around the world. find your local isna here…. and see if there are local people you can contact

We gather many scientific articles and we create contacts between people all over the globe who seek cooperation.
The published articles on this site are just for members. Login to the members page here..
We have articles in several languages, but as a non member you can see the list of English articles here

Visit Snoezelen rooms in different countries.

Feel free to send YOUR pictures to Svenja


Feel free to send your pictures to maurits@isna-mse.org

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
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