The Margaret Moore Snoezelen room is based in Auckland, New Zealand. It was opened in 2018 and has been used to provide Snoezelen training as well as for private use.
ISNA-MSE teacher Sarah Moore is a registered Hospital Play Specialist and incorporates Snoezelen experiences for children and families within the hospital environment. She has a Master of Special Education (2005), a Diploma in Early Intervention (1996), and is a registered Early Childhood Educator. In 2015 Sarah was awarded the Margaret M Blackwell Travel Fellowship which enabled her to explore a wide range of Snoezelen facilities and programmes in countries such as Japan, Korea, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, Czech Republic and Spain. Sarah gained her International Additional Snoezelen qualification in Korea in 2015.
For further information, please contact Sarah at or visit Snoozealand on Facebook.