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1 CD-ROM: Snoezelen materials homemade
PowerPoint presentations
Ad Verheul
Cell phone: 0031 6 542 60 728
E-Mail: a.verheul2@chello.nl
Snoezelen-materials homemade ( PDF digital)
Price: € 15,00 excl. shipping costs
227 pages including all the complete PowerPoints
PowerPoint presentations:
• full colour prints and drawings of all the Snoezelen equipment.
• A virtual tour around the Snoezelen Centre of De Hartenberg, including numerous photographs and floor plans• Snoezelen materials homemade, construction manuals, tips and practice related information.
You can order this digital book:
Ad Verheul
Cell phone: 0031 6 542 60 728
e-mail: a.verheul2@chello.nl

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

2 DVD: Snoezelen – another world, 180 min., voice-over in German language and subtitle in English language. PAL system
- Snoezelen – another world
- A virtual tour around the Snoezelen Complex of the Centre De Hartenberg
- Snoezelen in everyday practice
- Snoezelen – a new approach for people with senile dementia
- The swimming pool as a Snoezelen-room
- Snoezelen in a special Riding School
1 CD-ROM: Snoezelen materials homemade
- Do it yourself ideas how to build Snoezelen equipment. Digital edition of the book: “Snoezelen materials homemade” (224 pages including building drawings and full colour photos of the equipment’s
PowerPoint presentations:
- full colour prints of all the Snoezelen equipment.
a virtual tour around the Snoezelen Centre of De Hartenberg, including numerous photographs and floor plans
a virtual tour around the compound of the Hartenberg Centre.
Snoezelen materials homemade, construction manuals, tips and practice related information.
Snoezelen with people with dementia, a virtual tour around a nursery home
Snoezelen in nature, information on how to create a sensory garden
Snoezelen alternatives: Snoezelen in a special Riding School, Snoezelen in the swimming pool
Price: € 15,00 ( without shipping costs)
Index of the book
Fundamental philosophy of Snoezelen- historical background, planning and concept
History of the care of the mentally handicapped in the Netherlands
The development of Snoezelen
The Centre De Hartenberg
Neurological bases
The Snoezelen-rooms in the Centre De Hartenberg
Practice in the Snoezelen-rooms in the Centre De Hartenberg in Ede, the Netherlands
Snoezelen materials homemade
Snoezelen in everyday practice
A Snoezelen-room in the residential setting
A central Snoezelen-room outside the residential setting
A tactile room; tactile stimulation
An aural room: audible stimulation
A visual room, visual stimulation
Olfactory stimulation
The swimming pool as a Snoezelen-room
The sensory garden
Music and its applications within Snoezelen
Bibliography and music list
Snoezelen-materials /suppliers of Snoezelen equipments
Snoezelen in professional training
You can order the DVD & CD-ROM BOX:
Ad Verheul
Cell phone: 0031 6 542 60 728
e-mail: a.verheul2@chello.nl